Our courses

The ARLS course utilises mastery learning initially in teaching High-Quality CPR (HQ-CPR) where candidates are issued their own personalised mannequin and repeatedly perform supervised practice with feedback throughout the face-to-face skills day.
Performance is closely assessed and candidates take the mannequins home with a planned HQ-CPR performance revision program; they are also encouraged to teach family and friends as part of a program to increase bystander BLS in the community. Other incorporated mastery teaching includes bag-valve-mask ventilation and safe defibrillation.

The Practitioner Immediate Life Support (PILS) course primarily concentrates on the practical skills needed for the management of cardiac arrest, although the principles of systematic examination, in order to recognise the peri-arrest patient, are strongly emphasised.
The PILS course enables highest quality learning in a short, half-day course tailored for in-hospital clinician allocated training time, although still benefits from the innovative AICE video-based prelearning, and the spaced-education post-learning knowledge consolidation and assessment.